

そのピュアな何にも染まっていないセンスをこれからどのように発達させていけるか、感じるところから音を’どのように’ 聴くかというところまで様々に渡ってきます。小さなお子様にはお家で毎日の決まった時間に練習をするというスケジュールを組み、カードやお歌、音符読みなど’新しい事が出来る、すごい!’という感覚から始めていきます。もう少し大きくなると練習の方法を工夫し、ただ曲の最初から始める、指をとにかく動かすという間違った視点からどう練習方法を変えていくか、固まったアイデアからどう発展させられるか、何のためにやっているのかなど、自分で考える力をつける、問題解決の方法を色々な角度から分析するという実際の練習から少し離れた事も始めます。そこには子供たちの感情、例えば自分で考える事、我慢をする事、勉強や練習という地味な事の継続性を身につける、壁にあたってもへこたれない精神力と達成感など人間が生きていく上で必要なことをピアノ練習を通して学んでいけるようになれたらと考えています。子供の時から多様性のある考え方、アイディアをピアノ練習を通じて身につけることにより、同じような方法で人生を見る事ができる、沢山の可能性を感じられる、全く違うアイデアを受け入れられるフレキシビリティー、凝り固まった価値観をキャンセルできるなど、従来のピアノレッスンでは学べない事をこのピアノ教室ではお勉強していこうと考えています。



Beautiful sounds from the Piano and the support children's future

Children are so sincere and beautiful.  They are capable of listening to beautiful sounds through the piano performance and accepting coming information straight without any biases. In this piano school, children start learning how to read and write music notes, sing together, and mostly we ask parents to set the schedule for piano practicing in their everyday schedule so that piano will be part of children's life. We also think and have different points of views how to improve the piano skills, not just start from the beginning of the music score and keep on moving their fingers automatically but wearing a right posture to sit on the piano bench, using flexible wrist or arms and shoulders, and learn how to release muscle to create beautiful tones and to fix mistakes.(Most importantly they will constantly keep on chasing beautiful tones of piano sounds.) It might be very new approach to improve piano skills, and these point of views might be able to apply to not only improving their piano skills but also their study skills and start thinking how they study from now and try and see different angles to tackle their problems. Learning the piano is the consistent sincere practice at home, and it requires lots of energy, time, sweat, perseverance, guts, grit, flexibilities, determination, and those might let them feel not only sometimes difficulties but also great achievements whatever they set their own goals. We are very proud of children's effort and definitely encourage them to be confident and improve their self-esteem for sure.  

☆if you are interested in learning the piano in English only, Japanese only, or mixing with English and Japanese, please let me know!

☆☆Please come to 30 min free trial lesson and click on the button below.


午前中からの大人のピアノレッスンリモートワークが増え午前中の時間を使うことできるようになり スタジオは9時から開いています。お子様を送った後の時間をピアノレッスンに使いたい、子供と音楽を通して楽しい時間を過ごしたい、退職後の趣味として、英語とピアノレッスンを同時に習いたい、という方々がいらっしゃいます。


Piano Lessons for Adults and Seniors from 9am!

Are you an adult who want to learn to play the piano? Here’s your opportunity to do so. In my studio, we are open at 9am for the piano lessons.  If you'd like to use your time wisely after you dropped off your kids to nursery school or kindergarten, would like to enjoy your spare time with your kids through piano music, enjoy your morning time with the piano after retired, or have a chance to speak English and learn the piano at the same time, please come to my house and have a great time with piano! 

I am a professional and able to guide step-by-step to excel your piano skills.
Most people think that it is hard to learn piano as an adult.  The truth is that it is never too late to learn the piano.

It can help you to relieve stress from your hectic and stressful working lifestyle!

☆If you are interested in free trial lesson, please click on the brown button below.