My Story
こんにちは。ピアニストの福山(小鹿)明子です。2016年に20年のアメリカ生活を終え帰国しました。アメリカではアーカンソー州、インディアナ州、ワシントン州にてピアノ演奏の大学院学位(Piano Performance MM)を取り、世界中からの子供達から大人の生徒様に英語でピアノを教えてきました。国際色豊かな環境で子供達とのびのびと楽しいレッスンを行ってきました。大人の生徒さんには基礎からの練習、指の訓練なども含め練習曲、発表会の曲、そしてポップやジャズなど楽しい曲も含め生徒さんの目標としているピアノ演奏(本格的なクラシックも含め)へ導けるよう、共に音楽を学んでいます。
Hi there ! I'm Akiko! I recently relocated to from Seattle Washington USA to Japan after living in the USA for 20 years. I used to operate a thriving home piano studio of many students from all over the world in Seattle. I focused on joyful, fun, but real learning piano lessons in my class.
I'm excited to rebuild my studio here in Ichikawa Chiba Japan. Please feel free to stop by my studio and let's talk about the piano music !
Akiko Fukuyama is a teacher, pianist. She taught more than 500 students at her own studio in Seattle Washington USA, and now teaches students of all ages in their homes or at her independent piano studio Ichikawa Chiba. A devoted teacher and lifelong learner, Akiko is a frequent attendee of conferences and workshops to refine her craft. In recent years, she has seven times been performing at students' recitals from Forest Music Gakugeidaigaku.
A native of Japan, Akiko completed graduated studies at Indiana University Bloomington (Bloomington, Indiana) where she received a Master of Music degree in Piano Performance, studying the subject under Reiko Neriki. Her Bachelors of Music degree in Piano Performance and Psychology are from University of Central Arkansas (Conway, Arkansas), where she studied piano with Carl Anthony and Neil Rutman, and Chiharu Iinuma. Upon graduating Magna cum laude from the both Universities, she received the Presidential Scholarship awards and internships of Music degree inn Piano Performance from University of Central Arkansas and Indiana University Bloomington.
Sep 2009-May 2012 Performer Diploma, completed all course works
(2009年9月-2012年5月) Indiana University Jacobs School of Music (Bloomington, Indiana)
インディアナ大学 パフォーマーディプロマ全過程終了
Sep 2006-May 2009 Master’s in Music, completed
(2006年9月-2009年5月) Indiana University Jacobs School of Music (Bloomington, Indiana)
インディアナ大学 ピアノ演奏修士課程取得
Sep 2001-May 2004 Bachelor’s in Music, completed
(2001年9月-2004年5月) University of Central Arkansas (Conway, Arkansas)
アーカンソー中央大学 ピアノ演奏学位取得
Sep 1998-May 2001 Bachelor’s in Psychology, completed
(1998年9月-2001年5月) University of Central Arkansas (Conway, Arkansas)
アーカンソー中央大学 心理学学位取得
2006-2012 Reiko S Neriki
2003-2004 Neil Rutman
2001-2003 Carl Anthony、飯沼千温